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[2019年] Injured hiker rescued within 15 hours on Baima Mountain


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发表于 2019-8-28 17:56:44 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
Injured hiker rescued within 15 hours on Baima Mountain

2019-08-27  08:53    Shenzhen Daily

     AN injured hiker was rescued after a 15-hour operation at Baima Mountain in Huizhou on Sunday, according to Shenzhen Rescue Volunteers Federation (SRVF).

    SRVF received a redirected call from the police at about 7 p.m. Saturday, saying that a woman had fallen off a cliff while river trekking at Baima Mountain in Huidong County, Huizhou, along with 23 companions. Emergency rescue was urgently needed because the hiker had possibly broken her ribs and legs, so she could not move a step in the valley.

    SRVF’s advanced team, the Huizhou Blue Sky Rescue (BSR) team and the Shenzhen BSR team arrived at Baima Mountain and started the rescue operation together at 12 a.m. Two hours later, they located the injured hiker and immediately started to check her injuries, stabilize her fracture and move her off the mountain on a stretcher. The hiker was then brought down the mountain to a team of medical workers before 10 a.m. Sunday and transferred to Huidong People’s Hospital.

    (Chen Siqi)


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